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Using a network of telescopes all around the world, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has made the first polarized images of black holes on event horizon scales. I co-led the project to make the first polarized image of Sagittarius A*, along with Sara Issaoun.
I am heavily involved in augmenting the EHT via the next-generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT) project and the Black Hole Explorer (BHEX). We use these images to study how black holes accrete matter and launch jets.

For example, I performed a study of Faraday rotation in models of M87's black hole. This video is a model of M87's black hole, color-coded by rotation measure (RM), an observable which traces Faraday rotation. We found significant time variability and spatial non-uniformity, motivating continued monitoring of this source!
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